
Uncategorized Featured Image Test Post Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis et justo sit amet aliquam. Nulla a erat ac dui consectetur scelerisque a ac justo. Nulla semper, neque sit amet dignissim volutpat, sapien nunc semper felis, eget facilisis quam est sit amet urna. Nam vitae dolor ultrices, volutpat velit et, porttitor dolor. Duis venenatis scelerisque […]
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Uncategorized Test 2
Uncategorized Kirkland’s Hidden Gems | Carillon Point [ti_icon icon=”ti-zoom-in” link=”http://” size=”default” style=”icon-left” text_color=”blue” background_color=”blue” icon_color=”blue”]
Uncategorized A Day In The Life Of A Broker For this week’s blog post we thought it would be fun to give our readers some insight on what a day in the life of a broker looks like. Now, to preface this blog post, we have to mention that no two brokers have a similar day. The nature of this industry allows brokers the […]
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Uncategorized Over half-a-million dollars has been disbursed to non-profits so far this year! Thanks to the generosity of Windermere agents and the community, the Windermere Foundation collected over $325,000 in donations during the first quarter of 2017. This is an increase of 17 percent compared to this time last year! Individual contributions and fundraisers accounted for 55 percent of the donations, while 45 percent came from donations through Windermere agent […]
Uncategorized Windermere Foundation By the Numbers For the past 28 years, the Windermere Foundation has been helping those in need in our communities through donations to local organizations that provide services to low-income and homeless families. In 2016, the Windermere Foundation raised over $2.2 million in donations, bringing the total to over $33 million raised since it started in 1989. Last […]
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